Public Meeting Schedule

2024-2025 Board Meeting Schedule 

The GWCS Board of Trustees will meet every third Thursday of the month with the exception of July, April, and June.  There will be no regularly scheduled meeting in July, the April meeting is scheduled for the fourth Thursday of the month due to Spring Break, and the June meeting is scheduled on the second week due to the observance of Juneteenth.   All meetings would be held at 7:30pm on the 3rd floor at Green Woods Charter School GWCS and will be recorded and posted on the GWCS Facebook page.  

August 15 (Annual Meeting)building
September 19
October 17
November 21
December 19
January 16
February 20
March 20
April 24
May 15
June 12



Permanent and ad-hoc committees of the Board shall meet as their needs require.

To register for public comment at a Green Woods Charter School Board meeting, please review the Public Participation Policy and submit a comment form no later than 5 PM one day prior to the scheduled meeting.
For more information, please contact [email protected].


Board responsibilities can be found at:

24 Hour Posting Agendas